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Custom & Duty

Japan Customs

The Japan Customs official page is your most trustworthy source to answer any questions or queries related to Japanese customs and duty.
When you enter Japan, you are requested to hand in a Customs Declaration form for both your accompanied and unaccompanied baggage at the Customs Clearance. Customs Declaration forms are available on the plane, ship or at the Customs office. Further procedures of passenger clearance may also be necessary, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the all the necessary information.
As in many other countries, restrictions are placed on duty-free allowances,therefore make sure you are aware of the limits. Similar restrictions are also placed on exports and imports.

Regional Customs

In order to promote smooth customs operations and to stop the import and export of prohibited articles at the border, regional customs have been established in Hakodate, Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, Moji, Nagasaki, and Okinawa, where many international flights or ships arrive and depart. If you need further information on customs operations, please visit your nearest customs branch.

Restrictions on meat products

From 2019, meat products will be subject to inspection upon arrival. If you are bringing meat products into Japan, be aware that this inspection may take time. Refer to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan website for further details.


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